You're Coming to Camp!

Below is a Google linked map that you can scale in size to get an idea of where Camp Luther of Schuyler, NE is located. To get directions simply click on the location marker and you will be taken to Google maps and asked to put in your starting point.

Please NOTE: Road 4 is often the quickest and most direct way to camp. If we have had significant rain, please take Road 3 instead, then turn East on J, then North on Road 4.


Helpful Directions:

From Schuyler (Guests from Eastern Nebraska and Seward area will most likely travel through Schuyler):

Take Highway 30 seven miles west of the 30/15 intersection. (Highway 30 bypasses Schuyler.) Turn north on Road “4” (NOT Road 4a!) at the large white Camp Luther cross, and go 5.5 miles north. Camp is on the east side of the road.

From Columbus (Guests from Eastern and Central Nebraska, including areas south of Columbus like York with most likely travel through Columbus):

Take Highway 30, ten miles east from the 30/81 intersection. Turn north on Road “4” (Camp Luther large white cross) and go 5.5 miles. Camp is on the east side of the road. (Camp is 15 miles from Columbus – allow 25 min.)

Traveling from North East Nebraska (Guests from communities near Norfolk, WIsner, Wayne, Westpoint, and Yankton SD)

Accessing Camp Luther from the North may require more time on a gravel road. If you prefer less gravel, we recommend traveling through Schuyler or Columbus.

From Highway 91, we recommend using County Road 3. Turn south on Road 3 for 12 miles. Turn left onto Road K for one mile. Turn right onto Road 4. Camp Luther’s entrance will be .5 miles on the left.

When you arrive at Camp Luther’s entrance, follow the gravel road inside the camp—around and down the hill, by the small lake, and up another hill to the top, where the road enters a parking lot. There, you will find Gerwick Hall, the retreat center!