Katie Anderson

Home City/State:  Columbus, NE

Number of Years on staff/Position: This is my second year on Staff! Last year I was maintenance and program. This year I am a counselor.

School and Major/Area of Study: Concordia University – Nebraska; Biology major, chemistry minor, pre-vet!

Why are you excited to work at Camp Luther this summer? To work with little kids and set a good example for them.

Who is one of your favorite Bible characters? Besides Jesus, I would have to go with Esther. She was a leader in a scary time and situation, but she trusted God that he would keep her and her people safe.

What is your favorite Bible verse? 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you" This verse is a good reminder for me that I do not need to worry about things that I cannot control, because God is looking out for me always. There's also a really cool camp song based on this bible verse.

What is your favorite camp activity? Campfire! I love singing songs of praise and looking at the fire!