Isaac Weander

Home City/State: Norfolk, NE

Number of Years on staff/Position: Counselor - I was a camper here at Camp Luther as a kid. First summer on staff.

School and Major/Area of Study: Concordia University Nebraska K-12 music education

Why are you excited to work at Camp Luther this summer? Helping kids grow in their faith and watching them light up for Jesus.

Who is one of your favorite Bible characters? Noah. He blindly followed Gods instruction even when it seemed crazy and everyone around him thought he was insane. It’s a good reminder that Gods plan isn’t always our plan or something that we can see and understand right away.

What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalm 108:1 “my heart is steadfast to God I will sing and make music with all my soul.” My confirmation verse is a constant reminder that in God I have an unwavering hope and because of that I will live my life making music to him in whatever ways possible.

What is your favorite camp activity? Campfire/songs